Photos (left to right, top to bottom):
1. Our townhouse development likes turning the sprinklers on after midnight. And they flood everything in sight.
2. Comerica Park, home of the Detroit Tigers. I have yet to go to a game, and am waiting (im)patiently.
3. Brad’s mom, Alex, Phillip, and Brad waiting in line for ice cream during their visit.
4. Crocodile Cloud
5. Saturday evening at the Downtown Hoedown in Detroit
6. Boat races on Walled Lake
Do you ever have those weekends where the days sort of blur together and you can’t quite figure out why one day seems like three?
That was me this weekend. A family visit, downtown Detroit, 90-degree days, country music, lake water, and daylight until 10 p.m. have had us running around to make the most of every moment–and so far, it’s been a great summer kickoff.
Of course, weekends have to end at some point, but it’s nice to know that summertime stretches each one out just a little bit longer.