Technology is a hassle I can’t live without.


This post comes to you from a draft that was originally scrawled in a college-ruled, one subject notebook, with a medium point, Bic Clic-Stic ballpoint pen.

It’s three in the afternoon on a Wednesday, and instead of working on a list of things I have to do, I’m sitting here on my couch, telling you the tale of my unsuccessful attempts of getting anything done in an age that relies so heavily on digital communication. Why? Because I have no Internet.

Brad, being the technology-loving guy that he is, recently got some fancy, TV tuner contraption that apparently requires a small army of people to assemble. And by “small army,” I mean everyone at the cable company. There’s currently a cable guy upstairs, working on our computer and every other connection we have right now (router, modem, telegraph, cans and string), and of course, that means I’ve lost access to my beloved Wi-Fi. And because we have a phone box that’s hooked up to our internet connection (because our cell signal is almost non-existent in our house), that means no iPhone or 3G, either. I am a lost panda.

No phone, no lights, no motor car. Not a single luxury . . .

*Minutes later*

Okay. Tuner set up. Cable guy gone. Still no Internet. We need a new router, apparently. My inner communicators are paralyzed.

No research, no web edits, heck–I can’t even type up this post.*  Nothing to do with the outside world. What have I become? Why is technology this essential?

I’m absolutely amazed at the way the world has changed in its demanding, “I-need-it-now” attitude. And obviously, I should be amazed in the way I’ve adapted. It’s fascinating, but a little bit horrifying. But it’s much easier to go along with when you’re not missing the usefulness of every single piece of technology you own.

And so, I shall wait. And try to pretend that I am normal and can handle this.

*Update: Internet restored, making for a very happy Jennifer. It’s the little things.

Hi! I'm Jennifer.

Southwest Virginia born and raised, I moved over 500 miles to Southeast Michigan with my husband in 2011. Since then, I’ve been recording my adventures here, bringing you stories as I explore the “mitten state,” the midwest, and beyond.

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