I love me a good pizza (but really, who doesn’t?). Coincidentally, I’m married to a guy who likes the stuff even more than I do, so we’re usually in agreement when given the opportunity to try a new pizzeria/pizza parlor/hole-in-the-wall/what have you. Newest dinner-pick? Supino Pizzeria at Detroit’s Eastern Market. Mmm mmm, mmm . . . delicioso.

I owe our most recent fabulous-pizza-find to Brad, who worked his magic on Urban Spoon and the Internet and whatnot. While planning a visit to the Redford Theatre, we knew we wanted to eat somewhere in Detroit to keep our evening plans in the same neighborhood. Supino was in proximity and had that urban/slightly-hipster feel that everyone secretly looks for when seeking delicious food in understated establishments.

The place was so crowded, it was literally standing-room only when we walked in the door. Apparently, the trick to dining at Supino Pizzeria is to stand in a long (but quickly-moving) line, then wander around for a few minutes until a party happens to leave or you intimidate some people out of their chairs—whichever comes first. Luckily, a spot popped up for us right by a window after just a few minutes of awkwardly milling about.
Oh, look. Our pizza’s here.
The pièce de résistance: a half-red (with sauce), half-white (no sauce) pie. Half San Gennaro (onions, roasted red peppers, sausage, mozzarella) and half Affumicata, a.k.a. “Smoky” (smoked prosciutto, garlic, parsley, mozzarella, smoked gouda, and ricotta). Okay, Supino, you win.
Ohhhhoho . . . but wait! What have we here? Could it be two delicious cannolis, topped with pistachios and chocolate sauce . . . and they’re the last two available? I know the kitchen wasn’t exactly saving these for me, but I am SO glad we ended claiming them when we did.

If you’re ever at Supino Pizzeria and trying to decide whether to spring the extra 25 cents for pistachios and chocolate, do it. Don’t even think . . . just reach into your wallet and get that quarter out. I’d send you a quarter myself, but it would take 49 cents to mail it.
Final report card rating for Supino Pizzeria: A+.