
Tim Allen is EVERYWHERE.

He lent his voice to the epic Toy Story franchise, and when he seemingly disappeared into oblivion after Home Improvement, Tim Allen became somewhat of…

Easter Snapshots

               Photos, left to right, top to bottom: 1. Pink blooms on Easter morning, 2.  Me and my sister in our Sunday…

M.I.A.: The Hunger Games Edition

I am a bandwagon-jumper. You see, there’s this little phenomenon going on right now, and it’s known as The Hunger Games. People have read the…

Stranger Things

“It’s the stories we’re after. We love the stories and the artifacts can tell the stories.” – Dan Elliott Estate sales are rooted in kind…

Bay City, Bay-bay

That way. Go that way. Last weekend, Brad’s younger sister, Jessi, and her husband, Jared, drove up from Virginia for their first visit since we…

The Quest for Newsweek

Today’s story revolves around this. So, this is the post I planned to write yesterday, detailing to you the magnificent details of the latest issue…

I can’t find the glue sticks.

When I was in high school, I decorated most of my papers and folders with doodles and homemade collages, creating the perfect visual theme for…


Whenever we go out with friends, Brad usually ends up being teased by a few people for his money-saving tendencies. You know–ordering water when he…

Wouldn’t it be Loverly?

“There even are places where English completely disappears. In America, they haven’t used it for years!” – My Fair Lady If you’ve wandered into Northville…

Hi! I'm Jennifer.

Southwest Virginia born and raised, I moved over 500 miles to Southeast Michigan with my husband in 2011. Since then, I’ve been recording my adventures here, bringing you stories as I explore the “mitten state,” the midwest, and beyond.

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